Tuesday 17 December 2013

Group: Audience Research - Final Piece

Click here to take survey



- Using the website Survey Monkey we compiled a questionnaire to test our concept and video to a select demographic
- We used primarily qualitative research rather than quantitive as we wanted to get informed and detailed responses that we could use to critique our own video
- We mainly used open-ended questions and semantic differentials as we wanted more than yes or no answers, we wanted people to think and give us well thought out responses
- One of the purposes of the audience research was to see if we got new ideas and interpretations that we might not have anticipated, music videos are a subjective piece of art so we knew that the responses would depend on the person and the demographic of the respondent
- Survey Monkey limited our process in regards to the print work, the large file sizes wouldn't load on the site meaning that we will have to use other means to gain feedback
- Its difficult to get a large sample size when sending it to a specific demographic that is relevant to our target audience





- Everyone agreed that they would watch the video again meaning that we have succeeded in creating repeatability factor
- Most understood our key ideas and the themes we were trying to convey, some were emotionally moved and many said it made them think
- The subject matter is very subjective so naturally not everyone agreed, a lot of responses contrasted each other which led to a varied range of responses and interpretations of the video
- Most respondents empathised or sympathised with the main character, most said they felt sorry for the character and reflected on his mental illness
- Everyone found the video entertaining, by using semantic differentials we found that the entertainment factor was at the top end of the scale for every respondent which means that it succeeds as an entertainment product
- We did encounter some difficulties whilst analysing the results, some responses were incredibly short and blunt. The more detailed and insightful answers gave us more constructive feedback than the answers that simply said yes or no


Wednesday 11 December 2013

Group: Final Music Video

Here is the final version of our music video for 'Afraid' by The Neighbourhood: 

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Final Print Works

                 The Digipak


                               Vice Advert

                           NME Advert

Monday 9 December 2013

Group Reflection Post 9.12.13

What Did You Achieve?

Today the group contributed to the editing process as a whole, we acquired more feedback which included altering our chorus and final drawing section to make it more visually interesting as it is quite static and boring. To solve this we scrapped the final drawing section and created a black screen with quite cuts to text of an enigmatic message we created, in between these we have cuts to random sections of clip from earlier in the timeline. When each word comes up we have it flash from black to white using a  colour matte which makes it a bit more visually interesting. As well as this Harry completed his print work, changing the text and adding the bands website to the bottom to make it seem more like a magazine spread than just a poster. Alex also altered the font on her print work which is now completed and ready for submission.

What Problems Did You Encounter?

We had too much repetition of the pre-chorus section, we have tried to solve this using a number of new, creative ideas however we eventually came to a final product.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

AY: Group Development 3/12/13

Today we worked collaboratively to edit the video and decide which filler shots to include in the chorus. We also added a slow track in on the chorus when Dan is sitting on the bench as it is too static.
We showed our video to Mrs Fernandez and this is the feedback she gave us:
  • The jump cut at the beginning looks odd as it only happens once in this begin sequence
  • The shot of Dan exiting the house is still too long
  • More needs to happen in the chorus, for example you could have more flashing images cut into the static shots to create more discordance
  • I think you should add in more lyrics to create a theme throughout the song but be sure not to over do it
  • For the bridge and final chorus your cutting rate needs to be much faster to create a crescendo into the end of the song
  • Make sure you carefully select the clips that you want to use in the reverse sequence and choose shots/lyrics to cut into the clip to make it more interesting
We have decided to all stay at lunch to continue editing and amend the video where possible

Monday 2 December 2013

Group: Development Post 2/12/13

Today, Harry was the core editor, we looked over the video and worked out where we could improve, particularly in making some of the longer shots more interesting/cutting away to other shots. So, we focused on the last chorus, and cut in shots from throughout the video. Then, for the third verse, the shot where the character is walking through the woods we duplicated it, layered it over the top and put it slightly ahead of the main clip and then lowered the opacity to 38. Also, Dan and Alex continued work on their respective print work. Dan's work is below alongside a screenshot from the Premiere timeline.