Monday 18 November 2013

AY: Rough Draft of Magazine Advert


Above is a rough draft of our original idea for the piece of print which would run as a magazine advert to promote the bands tour. The absence of the band members is in keeping with other examples of print work related to the band as they usually have abstract images and shapes. I have kept the colour scheme as black and white as it is a common theme throughout their music videos and print work alike. Having said this I would like to use photoshop to change the colour of a single object for example the girls hair or t-shirt to try and create connotations with the band image. The location used in the above photograph is very authentic and natural connoting the bands artistic attributes and also creating the idea of freedom. There are many links to the video both visually and conceptually for example the girl in the picture seems vulnerable as she is alone looking out over an empty field much the same as the man in our video who is driven mad by his loneliness. The establishes ideolies linked with mental disabilities and is a portrayal of how these people 'suffer in silence' and are sometimes looked down upon from the puiblic.

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