Thursday 3 October 2013

Group: Audience Research Questions

These are the questions we have thought of which we think will aid us in collected useful audience research.

  1. Do you know the band? If yes write down a list of words including colours, images or moods which you might associate with them.
  2. Do you think the band would be in their music video? If so, how would they appear?
  3. Listen and look at the song lyrics. What do you think the meaning of this song is?
  4. Close your eyes and listen to the track. What do you think of when listening to this song? Any particular locations?


  1. These are good. The only one I would change is 2; instead of asking 'how do you think the band are represented' etc. simply ask, 'Do you think the band would be in their music video? If so, how would they appear?' Personally, I think asking about how the band is represented is a bit too specific for a non Media student.

  2. I agree. Will change it straight away.
