Thursday 3 October 2013

Group: Treatment

It opens with a white screen, on which the letters "NBHD" appear to show the bands name. This then fades over the top of a shot of a man, played by Dan, laying on a bench, having slept rough for the night. He then walks out of the park and down towards his house. He gets out his keys and then goes towards the door; he looks in the window and backs away surprised, to then jog or run out of the frame. The door then opens and we see Dan walking out, looking after who has just looked through the window.

Next, we will have a combination of two filler shots, slow motion shot of Dan screaming in a dark location and the beginnings of a slow motion zoom out that will be completed throughout the video; it will begin at an extreme close up of Dan's eye and, in this section, will finish at a close up of his face.

In the chorus we will have a layering of shots where Dan is sitting on the bench he woke up on in a number of different ways, each layered on top of eachother. One version of Dan will be sat in the middle looking down, until the last line of the chorus where he looks up and mimes it.

This is the pre-cursor to the next part of the narrative: it will appear that Dan will be walking forwards down the Tunbridge Wells Precinct, and everyone else is walking backwards - shot at a number of different angles and frame sizings to assist the illusion.

In the second part of the narrative, Dan will be walking down Tunbridge Wells Precint; when he looks to his left, he see's himself, when he looks to the right, he see's himself and when someone bumbs in to him, he turns around to see himself. He then runs out of shot.

The running will be picked up as he turns in to an alleyway or down a more private road, in which he begins to scream again and get angry at his surroundings, questioning why all of this is happening to him.

The slow zoom out continues from a close up to to a mid shot of Dan who is holding a board of wood, although at this point you can't see what is on the board.

In this chorus we will have a layering of shots where Dan is sitting on a different bench in a number of different ways, each layered on top of eachother. One version of Dan will be sat in the middle looking down, until the last line of the chorus where he looks up and mimes it.

In the part of song where the pitch and general tone becomes lighter, we will have a sequence of shots of Dan leaning against a wall, he eventually sinks down on to the floor. Burying head in hands, distressed and wanting all of this to be explained. Then, out of focus, someone is walking towards him, contrast suddenly becomes very high and all goes white. The camera adjusts and in focus is himself.

In this final chorus, the zoom will finish off from a mid shot to a medium long shot of Dan, the contents of the board is revealed and it is the band's logos. As the camera stops moving, Dan will say the final line of the chorus.

Whole video gets played in reverse until the drumming in the song stops, at which point the screen goes white and in black, "Afraid" fades up and then fades out with the song.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great, hopefully it will amount to enough footage
