Wednesday 2 October 2013

Group: What are the foreseeable challenges?

  • At present, the main issue is in regard to location for the graffiti, zoom out sequence. A number of solutions have been suggested, i.e. a whiteboard or paper covering a wall, but neither seem to fit the aesthetic of the song - ideally we would like a brick wall to use, but finding that is more challenging than expected.
  • Before we developed our concept fully, we had a lot of ideas for filler shots that we wanted to include: drumming shots, shots hitting a bin in time with the snare drum, random landscape shots etc. But now that we have come up with a sound concept, we have no real idea as to where these filler shots could be put in. We are likely to still film these shots, just so that if there is a unexpected gap in the video, we could fill it. 
  • Our concept is actually quite complex, the idea of the main character seeing himself numerous times is all very well and good, but actually achieving that may actually be harder than expected. However we have come up with logical plans for these shoots which, essentially, just need testing. 

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