Tuesday 8 October 2013

Group: Location Recce - Alleyway Sequence

This is the location we want to use for the second pre-chorus, first part - from the lyric, "you're too mean.." to "from the top of my lungs" where the character is running in slow motion down the alleyway, frustrated and confused about what is going on. We thought this alleyway was apt because its east to locate - right by Dan's house - and its claustrophobic. The general mise-en-scene is dark and gloomy and derelict, lit only by one street lamp the lighting is also restricted which will look good in black and white and connotes confinement and seclusion.

Doing this recce has helped us anchor the sequence to the track; now we know the area we are filming in, it's easier to imagine where to stress certain emotions based on the light levels - roughly depicted by the flash in the photos.

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