Tuesday 8 October 2013

Group: Location Recce - 'Seeing Self' and 'Walking Backwards and Forwards'

This is Tunbridge Wells Precinct, the location we have in mind for the 'Seeing Self' and 'Walking Backwards and Forwards' sequences. We chose this location because of the amount of people that walk down it - adding to the illusion - alongside the fact that it has some greenery. The shops themselves could be a bit of an issue as they are out of contact with the mise-en-scene, but if shot how we intend, we will be able to mask them. It's a convenient location as well, being more-or-less central to where we all live.

Despite the possible issue with the shops, this recce has proved that our sequence could actually work here due to the amount of surrounding people and the rater wide pathway down the precinct. Having done the 'Backwards/Forwards' sequence in Brighton, it was easier for us to imagine it here as well and it does indeed work; as for the 'Seeing Self' sequence, it has highlighted that we need to test that out before the pitch in order to decipher whether this location is right.

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