Wednesday 11 September 2013

AY: Rudimental Case Study

Feel the Love

  • Disjuncture within the video as the lyrics and visuals aren't linked in a particular way
  • Sense of community within the song
  • Horses give a sense of freedom when ridden across the field
  • Slow Motion used
  • Fast cutting rate
  • Urban setting
  • Band is not seen throughout the video

Waiting All Night
  • The whole video is shot using a handicam giving it more of a 'home movie' feel
  • Ideologies centred around love, families and support
  • Audience follows the story of the man in hospital and how he overcomes his tragedy
  • Use of low angles throughout
  • 'fish eye' effect
  • Cutting rate is generally fast throughout but slows during the middle 8
  • Song picks up as the man overcomes his obstacle
  • Montage editing used
  • Band is absent
Not Giving In

  • Slow motion used
  • Shot from the perspective of the two boys
  • Helicopter shot shows the shanty town in which they live
  • Link between the visuals and the lyrics
  • Two separate journeys of boys who grew up in the same conditions
  • Band is absent
  • Boys shown to be extraordinary in the way that they can dance
  • Amplification of the lyrics, shows two boys struggling through life 'Not giving in'
  • Set in an urban location
  • Match shots
Overall, it is clear to see that there are many similarities between all of these videos however they all look at different aspects of society and challenge different ideologies. For example, some one with a devastating disability manages to overcome this and learn to ride his bike again. The band is never present in any of the videos leaving all of the focus on the narrative and what is happening. All of the videos illustrate Rudimentals beleifs of society that anything is possible.

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