Monday 23 September 2013

HW: Brighton Reflection

Reflection on Brighton Shoot

Where did you go and what were your aims?

We went to Brighton with the aim of practicing and expanding our filming and planning skills in preperation for our real shoot, we ended up practicing a number of our shot ideas for our real production and went to a variety of locations within Brighton. Some of our most effective locations were the pier, the arcade, the lanes and side streets within the town.

What Did You Achieve?

We succeeded in filming most of our potential shot ideas for our actual production, aswell as this we found some great potential locations and formed some mutuals ideas about the actual look of our video and how it should be filmed.

What Problems Did you encounter?

We encountered a couple of obstacles whilst filming in Brighton, the majority of these were because of the weather, it was very windy and at times a bit rainy so we had problems keeping the camera steady and dry. Aswell as this we had location problems, some people werent happy with us including them in our ambient shots and our shots within shops and cafes and the arcade. However we overcame these problems and finished a successful shoot.

What did you learn from that which you can take into the next shoot?

From Brighton we picked up valuable experience and practice shooting potential ideas that we will take into our shoot for the final music video, aswell as this we have refreshed our editing and sound skills which we will have to use in post-production for our actual video. I personally have also used some new techniques like time lapsing (which we used on the picture on the right to speed it up) and colour grading which we will use in our eventual production.



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